Today, I took off from work to spend the day with FH. Although I like her as a person, she would rub me the wrong way if she were anything more than a friend. But first....As usual, I didn't get much sleep the night before, and didn't become fully conscious until 10 am. At that point, I knew that I would have to get ready to pick up FH in Yonkers, and then take a drive to see the changing leaves in the Hudson Valley. I knew I was going to be a few minutes late, and texted FH. However, she was much more delayed than I was, as she was 45 minutes late. AARGH! Luckily, we were able to start out on our day by 1:30 pm.

According to the New York State Fall Foliage guide, the Hudson Valley should not be at peak color, nor should most of the leaves have fallen. The only place that FH noticed good color was along the Taconic Parkway going towards Red Hook. From there, we doubled back to Rhinebeck, passing by the site of the Dutchess County Fairgrounds - where she was disappointed that the fair was over. And then, it was over to Saugerties and Woodstock. On this drive, the leaves had already fallen off most of the trees in the towns we passed through, when we expected them to be before their peak.When we finally reached Woodstock, FH wanted to get pictures of herself. Of course, I obliged her - we were in a scenic area, and she always tries to get her picture taken with pretty scenery as her background. Once the obligatory pictures were taken, it was back to Woodstock where we spend 90 minutes walking around the town.
Once it started getting dark, we headed to New Paltz for dinner. Along the way, she asked me about my dating life and why I'm seeing MWL. How are the conversations on a par with what we have? I had to finesse the question. She then asked about whether MWL knows about Marian. I told her so, and mentioned that MWL has already met me in female mode. In reality, FH was wondering why she wasn't my girlfriend and was fishing for a way to make that happen. There was no way I was going to tell her about CWS at this point - CWS, so far, is on the same wavelength as I am in many ways. After dinner, FH said that she'd take care of dinner as a way of thanking me for driving her home.
Dinner at Pho Tibet was uneventful. The food was tasty, the Pho was good, but I was unimpressed with their Momo Dumplings. I'll be sure NOT to order them again. Next time, I'll look for a better Vietnamese restaurant to go to. (Too bad that I'm no longer in contact with one person - she'd know a good place to go to.)
PS: CWS was away this weekend. Hopefully, our schedules will work out for us to get together again next weekend....
PPS: I spoke with Vicki about FH, and she felt that FH was merely looking for a "friend" who'd drive her places. For the most part, I agree with her. Yet, if I have nothing to do, it's nice to hang out with someone - even someone who is a user.