Now that I've been to DC and back, it was time for me to go back to work. AARGH!
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Most of my readers know that I have one of the most boring jobs around. Today, I started the day by almost forgetting my wallet at home. When I reached the deli where I usually get my morning egg sandwich, I didn't find my wallet in my pocketbook. It got to the point in my search that I was going to return home to search my bedroom, and I texted my boss. One problem - my wallet fell out of my pocketbook and was sitting on the seat where I found it. So I had to text an OOPS to him before going inside for my sandwich.
Getting into work was little better. The configuration for one of the programs I depend on to do my job got screwed up in the week I was gone. It took the better part of the day to get that issue fixed. Luckily, I was able to begin work on other tasks while the computer technician did his job, and I started to wake up before lunch.
Yet, by the time I got home, I was tired. I stopped by Walmart to pick up some bathroom furnishings needed before RQS comes here for the first time. Hopefully, she won't be turned off by the place when she's here....