My journey towards femininity, with all the bumps in the road. Who knows where this road will lead? But it certainly will be a prettier road, and one well worth traveling.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Thinking about the year soon gone.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
A death of an acquaintance.
This picture has nothing to do with about what I am writing about today. Yet, it was a reminder that I had to get around to writing about a death of someone I haven't seen in years.
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Years ago, I went to school with a man who joked about forming his own Klan. (Spelling that word with a "K" is intentional.) This man was raised by an intolerant Germanic father, and he inherited many of his attitudes from his dad. At that time, I liked this person (I didn't have good taste in people then), and I ended up buying an insurance policy from him when he was in the insurance business.
Over the years, we lost contact, and he went his own way with his life. Yet, I was shocked to hear from him via Facebook, and I felt that he had the same attitudes he had in his past, as he was a Trump supporter. When he died, I decided to look at his Facebook page, and I was surprised by several things. First, he was no longer posting stupid things on his Facebook page, and there was little trace of the Trump support he showed in the past. Next, it appeared that he married again (he was already divorced once when I knew him), and that nothing showed up in his feed showing what this woman looked like. And finally, it looks like he had done a complete turnabout in regard to racial relations.
Sadly, I will not be in the NYC area when a memorial service is held for him. I would like to find out what happened to him in the years since we were together. I wonder what he would think if he were to find out that I am transgender. Unfortunately, some things can not be known....
PS: I later found out that he was still on his second marriage. Never trust personal data shared on Facebook.
Ever have a day that you had no energy to do anything?
Today, even waking up felt like an effort. Although I might have gained consciousness around 9 am, I wasn't out of my bed until 11 am...

The other day, RQS needed to go to the store to buy some plain underwear, as she didn't have any clean pairs at my apartment. Instead...
This is one of my rare entries (other than holiday posts) that comes out on the day something actually happens. Today, we are about to en...
I had planned to be with RQS this weekend, but this put me at risk of getting fined by my co-op. By the time I would get home, I expected...