Wednesday, January 15, 2025

I'm glad the holiday season is over. (A quick post)

By the time you read this, we'll be two weeks into the new year.  I'm looking forward to the downing of Christmas trees, the packing of ornaments, and the cessation of holiday music.

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In this last day of the old year, I got a pleasant surprise - the 401k withdrawal I scheduled was received in time for the 2024 tax year.  This means that any unplanned income I receive in 2025 will not push me into another tax bracket.  Yay!

For the most part, this was a do-nothing day, until we decided to run a few errands, get a bite to eat, and see a movie.  (Who wants to spend New Year's Eve in a place where one knows nobody, save the person sitting opposite you at dinner?)  So, I got dressed in a tunic and leggings, and out the door we went.  Did we do everything we wanted to do?  No!  But we did have a good pizza, and we did do our shopping at the drugstore before going home for the night.

I hope the new year started out well for you....

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The darned thing has been assembled, and the old chest is gone!


The chest has finally been assembled, and the old one is out of the house.  But this wasn't the simple thing that it sounds like.  

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When we awoke this morning, I had to figure out a way to get the old chest into a place in the living room with enough space for me to slide the new chest in its place.  This was not a task I was going to do as Marian, as I knew I was going to work up a sweat and ruin the nightie that I was given for Christmas.  Instead, I put on the clothes I had worn a couple days before and then started my process.

First, I had already emptied the chest of things I wanted to keep which were previously stored inside. However, I still had to disconnect the TV that sat upon the old chest and place it in a safe place - my bed.  And only then, could I extricate it from its space in my bedroom.  As I pulled it out, it started falling apart, due to it being a cheap piece of furniture from 40+ years ago. Even worse, there was a lot of dust and cobwebs behind the chest that I had to clean out, as I might never go back there for several years.

Once I got the old chest in a safe place, it was time to slide the new chest in its place.  The first problem I encountered was that the sliders didn't help me move the chest past the carpet protectors in my desk area.  To deal with this, I tilted the new chest up, and asked RQS to put sliders back into places where they could again do their function.  The next problem came soon enough.  The new chest was slightly wider than the old chest, and I had to snug it against another chest and my air conditioner.  AARGH!  And this led to the third problem: I had to use a slider to left the adjacent chest 3/8", so that the decorative overhang on the top of the adjacent chest would not be pulled up from the body of that chest. Finally, the new chest was in place, and I began to transfer clothing from another chest to the new chest, giving RQS a place to put her clothes.

Now, I had one more task to take care of: Bringing the old chest down to the dumpster area to be picked up with the next bilk trash pickup.  To do this, I had to lift the old chest over an end table, and then wedge it through the doorway and onto the top landing.  While doing this, the old chest started falling apart,  One crossbeam and a 3/8" laminate board came off the side, making the chest unusable for any scavenger that may come upon it in a dumpster dive.  Other pieces came undone while I dragged the chest down the steps and over to the dumpster area.  A little later, RQS took the drawers and placed them by the (now) destroyed chest.  Sadly, if this chest was as solid as the inexpensive Ikea chest that replaced it, it would still be in my apartment.

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Did I really need to deal with replacing this chest now?  Probably not.  But since the old chest's drawer glides were broken, I could no longer use the chest to store anything I wanted to get at on a regular basis.  Now, I can get to my lingerie and some of my feminine wardrobe without problem.  Maybe now, I can go shopping in my dresser and closet again, and not buy things to only end up in a donation bag several years later.

Monday, January 13, 2025

And now to assemble the darned thing....


Today's story starts with what happened overnight.  RQS and I got to sleep late last night, and this would be a minor problem.  Delivery was scheduled for some time between 8 am and noon, and I wanted to be sure to be ready for it.  

Sometime in the middle of night, I had to get up for a bio-break.  Somehow, I wasn't as sure on my feet as I should have been, and tripped in an interesting way.  First, I started falling towards the far end of the bed, and then rebounding to the right until I was stopped by a bedroom chest.   It was if I were drunk, and stumbled across the room.  RQS was worried that I might have hurt myself (I did - a minor bruise on my ankle), and helped me get back on my feet.

After my bio-break, I was back in bed for a couple of hours, then got dressed to await my delivery.  My ankle was hurting a little, and I knew that I couldn't lift the two boxes from the entry to my building to my apartment on my own.  Luckily, the delivery men came at 10 am, and brought the two boxes into the apartment for me to assemble.  And then, it was time for me to go back to sleep - until 2 pm.
I started work on the chest sometime after 4 pm, and it was slow going.  Ikea's instructions are written without words.  They only use diagrams to instruct the assembler what pieces to use for each step of the process.  And this can be confusing, as not all of their illustrations are clear enough to use without test fitting the pieces together.  I don't know if this is a deliberate part of the design process.  But I feel that someone with more experience assembling Ikea furniture could have done this faster than I could.  In fact, It wasn't until a little bit after 7 pm that I got the body of the chest put together.  

Shortly after this, we took a break for dinner.Then I started up again around 8:30 pm, finishing around 10 pm.  It was a long time taken to assemble the dresser, and I hope it does the job I want it to do for as long as I need it done.  Is the chest perfect?  No!  I can't open it as fully as I could the old chest, for safety reasons.  But it will hold much of the intimates in my female wardrobe, and that's what's important to me now.

PS: Tomorrow, I'll move the old chest to the trash area and move the new one to the now vacant space.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

I inherited a dust collector. (And wish I didn't.)


As many of you already know, I scheduled a trip to California this past April to see my uncle, but he passed away 10 days before my arrival.  This weekend, I visited my brother to say hello and came back with the above "dust collector".

But first....

We had been waiting several days for notice that RQS's prescription had made it to the drug store.  Given all of the hassles RQS had at the hospital shortly before Thanksgiving, it made sense for her to pick up the prescription during 2024.  This would allow her to avoid the headache of getting this expensive prescription renewed by a new doctor shortly into the new year, when she'd be under time pressure to both get the prescription renewed and to pick it up.  This notice came two days after Christmas, so we scheduled our visit to RQS's neighborhood over the weekend.

It was strange driving to RQS's place on a Saturday, when there were none of the usual traffic jams that are normally endured while heading towards her place.  If we had choices, we would not have been on the roads, as the fog was so thick that one could barely see well enough to drive.  Yet, we made it to RQS's place, and took care of multiple pharmacy visits.

Next, it was off to see my brother.  It was good to see him, although things are not going well between him and my sister in law.  I won't go into details here, but I will say that he has a strained relationship with his wife that he may be making worse.  As soon as we got there, it was off to a seafood joint that my brother picked out.  Both of us picked the twin lobster dish, while RQS had the lobster roll.  All of us were filled to the gills by the time we left.

When we got back to my brother's house, I gave him a gag gift for Christmas.  This gift was a novelty takeoff on a "Magic 8 Ball", where one could get an answer of "Yes", "No", or "Maybe" by reading the message at the bottom of the ball.  My gift was a "Magic 6 Ball" that I found on  Unlike the 8-Ball, the 6-Ball produces only useless answers.  It'll make for a curious paperweight.  He asked me to hold on for a minute while he went inside the house to pick up something for me.  He returned with a statue that my uncle won for his work in TV.  Now, I have a dust collector that I can not sell, nor wish to give away.  However, I would have rather had the chance to meet him one last time, and to know him better....

Saturday, January 11, 2025

You snooze, you lose... (a short post)


One of the problems I have is procrastination.  It's a common problem, but one which have caused me to lose out on taking a 401k distribution in 2024.  It's not as much of a big deal as it sounds - I don't need the money right away, but I wanted to get the distribution made in 2024 for tax reasons.  Instead, my delay has likely caused the distribution into tax year 2025.

There are several things going on that I want to take care of in 2025.  One of them is getting a tooth implant, replacing a molar that I lost over a decade ago.  This will help me with chewing, as I put too much wear and tear on one side of my mouth.  Then, I'd like to do some apartment remodeling, specifically in the bathroom, where I want to replace the toilet, vanity (and sink), and medicine cabinet (with electric outlet).  Although I could take this money out of my savings account, I chose to take it out of my 401k.  This way, I can keep my already taxed funds at an acceptable level.

Strangely enough, not having anything to do while RQS is here encouraged me to start finding places for some of the mess in my apartment.  Clothes are migrating back into my closet, replacement furniture is arriving over the weekend, and I'm seeing some results from my minimal labor.  Yet, I have to fight the inclination to put things off, so that I can keep up momentum.  This is the hardest thing to do.

Soon, I'll get back to finding an electrolysist. I still want to clear off the beard from my face once and for all. I'm tired of dealing with shaving on a daily basis.  This is one of the important things I want to do in the new year....   

We'll see what happens during the new year....

Friday, January 10, 2025

There are many levels of paperwork to be dealt with.


As I might have mentioned, I am in the process of getting a second passport.  With the lunacy going on in the USA, it would be foolish of any trans person not to have an escape route out of the USA if the worst were to happen.  (Given the similarities of 2024's USA to 1932's Germany, it's not as far fetched as many middle of the road Americans might think.)  To do this, in my case, one has to have a grandparent born in a particular country, then prove that you have a right to citizenship via "Overseas Births".  This means the following:

  1. Get a copy of one's grandparent's birth certificate from the country of origin.
    (My brother mailed away to the appropriate people, and got a certified copy of this document.)

  2. Get a copy of the birth certificate that shows one's parent qualified to be a citizen via overseas birthright.  (I was charged to take care of this.)

  3. Get a copy of my birth certificate, showing my father (or mother) was my parent by blood. 
    (This would show that I qualify for citizenship via Overseas Birth.)

Steps 1 & 3 didn't take much time.  However, Step 2 took 14 weeks, as New York City and New York State had to be involved with this process.  Now that I have proof of my lineage, I can proceed to the next step - beginning the process of filing paperwork to get citizenship via overseas birth.

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Italy, Ireland, and the United Kingdom are 3 countries which allow for citizenship via overseas births.  However, the UK only provides for patrilineal overseas birth citizenship.  Yet, having an Irish passport allows one to BOTH reside in the European Union and the United Kingdom, as Ireland and the UK have treaties that were in effect before the EU was established.  From what I understand, Germany and Russia also have forms of overseas birth citizenship, but I won't comment on them here.

I also may qualify for a third passport based on my mother's lineage.  If I were to get that, I could travel (and possibly live) anywhere in the British Commonwealth.    Right now, I am focused on getting my 2nd passport based on my father's lineage, as it gives me the most freedom to travel if needed....

Keep your fingers crossed.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Boxing Day - Game night with RQS


It was the day after Christmas. And all through the house, every creature was stirring. Yes, even my mouse. (Computer mouse, that is.)  After a busy Christmas day, the last thing we wanted to do was get moving early in the day.

I got out of bed around 9:30 am, and started feeling a little nauseous. By the time 10 am came along, I was ready to throw up, and made my way to the sink to do just that.  As much as this sounds like I was getting sick, I feel that I was reacting to a surplus of sugar in my system from the cookies I ate late the night before.  No matter what the cause was, I avoided eating anything until 2 pm.  And then, I only ate some dry toast to deal with the lack of food in my stomach.

Around 4:00, we started to nuke some food in the microwave.  I heated up a frozen meal without problems.  But when RQS started to heat up her food, the microwave made some weird noises and shut off.  She then ended up warming up her food on the stove.  Something had to be wrong with the circuitry in the microwave, as it would keep beeping if we closed the door.  So we left the door open, and made it a point to buy a new microwave before the day was out.

At 5 pm, we left for the appliance store to get a new microwave.  We got there a little after 6 pm, and were ignored for more than 15 minutes until I got the sales manager himself to ring up the sale.  At least, we got a staff member to haul the new microwave to the car - it's nice to play the "little old lady" card.  They wouldn't have helped a man bring the microwave unit to his car....

We stopped for a fast food dinner, and then went to game night.  It was nice to have RQS with me while we played our game.  Although I had played the game once before, I let the host explain the game to RQS. But she wasn't getting the hang of the game due to its  operational complexity.  Yet, we both had fun, and look forward to the next game night.

Thoughts about a friend and her husband

  I had lunch with a friend the other day, and noticed that she may be a little divorced from an objective reality.  A society needs objecti...