Showing posts with label Pajamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pajamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I wasn't sure of what I should write about today. (a short post)


Columbus Day.  It may not be politically correct to call it this anymore.  But I've never been politically correct - just honest.  We stole this land "Fair and Square" from the best of peoples and we can't afford to give it back. 

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Neither RQS nor I had much drive to go outside today.  So, it was a "Jammie Day" for us.  We did some planning for next year's Alaska cruise, as well as discussing what we will do on our next Bermuda cruise. As you can guess, the high points of our day were watching YouTube videos, and the 3 meals we would eat.
On other matters, my brother may not be doing Thanksgiving this year.  So RQS and I will likely eat somewhere nearby for the holiday.  Of course, I'll have to choose the restaurant, and I'll be looking for one that's not too expensive.
It's hard to believe that I've been participating in the study for almost 2 months now.  Soon, I'll be going in for my second MRI, and then interviewed to see how I feel my skills have been developed by the games I've been playing.  Hopefully, I'll get a chance to read the results of the study when it is complete.
Hopefully, I'll have enough time to pack for our upcoming cruise.  After our afternoon nap, I showed RQS some of the dresses I have to choose from for formal night. As much as I might want to take the dressy jumpsuit I wore on my first cruise with FCP, I'm leaning towards something less formal for an NCL cruise,  (I'd go more dressy for MSC, HAL and Princess.)  The gown I bought for FCP's son's wedding doesn't work for me any more, as I prefer stronger and darker colors these days.

By now, I figure that I did find enough to talk about today.  Hopefully, you found it of interest.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The most important thing on my docket was a sleep test.


Imagine me going to bed.  Then imagine me shoring, with a touch of sleep apnea.  That is what is going to be measured tonight....

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Several weeks ago, I noticed that my CPAP machine was generating a message telling me that it has exceeded its projected life span.  Since life without a working CPAP machine would not be good for my health, I had to visit a sleep doctor AND schedule a sleep test.  Well, tonight is that sleep test.

Normally, I sleep in some form of feminine nightwear.  So, to take this test, I had to buy a pair of men's pajamas from Amazon and hope they fit.  They arrived yesterday, and now I'm packing a to-go bag for an overnight stay.

My problem is that I'm usually awake until 1-2 am.  This is not good for someone taking a sleep test.  Hopefully, this won't be a problem this time around.  But I wonder - will they be starting from scratch to determine if I have sleep apnea, or will they be measuring my breathing for the prescription I'll need for a new CPAP machine.  

Ideally, I'll have the new machine by mid-October.  If not, I hope I have it before Thanksgiving.  Keep your fingers crossed. 


PS: Tomorrow, I can revert to Marian mode and go and get a Mani-Pedi.  Yay!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Another day without leaving the apartment.

The other day, I went to my doctor and my blood pressure had spiked a bit.  One of the things he told me to do was to take and record my blood pressure readings on a daily basis and have him see it when I see him next.  So, when Amazon delivered my blood pressure monitor, I had to try it out to find out whether my blood pressure was under control or not.  And after 4 readings throughout, I consistently got numbers that said that the medicines I take were working.  So I'll have something to say to my doctor when I see him next month.

But this was one of many little things that made up my day....

Given how dreary the weather was expected to be, I figured that this would be a good time for a Jammie Day.  And I stayed in my PJ's and relaxed.  One of the things I wanted to do was find a duster that I could use as a dress like garment worn over a unitard.  Unfortunately, I might have given this away in one of my donation bags.  If so, I will need to look for another garment I can use in its place - but it won't be as pretty.

Late in the evening, I received a long awaited phone call from my ex-GF Patty.  We've maintained a friendship over the years since we broke up, and I think that her husband is a great fellow.  The phone call came just before I was scheduled to call RQS, so I texted RQS to tell her what's up, and that I'd call her immediately after finishing things with Patty.  Patty has had a very busy summer, and hasn't been able to keep up with her correspondence.  So, Patty apologized for not getting back to me sooner, explaining that the house that she lives in is being sold.  Luckily, she doesn't have to move, although her rent may change.  We caught up with the other details of what's been going on in our lives, and agreed to try and get together again sometime soon.

Next, it was my delayed phone call with RQS and I told her about Patty and her apartment.  We caught up on our daily events, and called it an early night.  Knowing me, I'll have trouble sleeping again and only get a few hours of sleep before seeing the dentist.  Hopefully, I'll be wrong and have a good and restful sleep....

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I don't know what I did all day, but I made up for it at night.


Sometimes, I feel that this model of Linda Blair from the Exorcist looks more realistic than I do. But then, Linda was born to be a cisgender woman, while I am transgender.  I figure that there is very little I can do about my image, save to lose weight, get facial feminization surgery, and see if I have enough hair for transplants (and having this procedure done if possible).  Until then, I will not feel that I can be remotely pretty in my own right.

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Like this model, I could be in my jammies all day if it were convenient.  And with the snow falling today, I did just that. Television was the order of the day until it was time to get ready for a co-op board meeting.  And then the "fun" began....

First, I exchanged a few messages with my ex girlfriend, and she was in the office having to take care of some tasks.  A little bit later, shortly before 4 pm, she decided to cut out early, as the roads weren't plowed well in her area.  So this gave me an excuse to end our chat, and to get ready for the board meeting. Then, FH called me, and wanted to get together on Friday.  This way, she could take her ailing dog to the vet, and we could go to dinner afterwards. Next, TCL called, and I didn't have the time to talk with her, as the co-op board meeting was about to start. (I figured that we could chat later on.)  After a while, my brother called during the meeting. So I sent him a message to tell him that I'd call him back. (He was calling to tell me that a check deposited to our joint account had cleared, and that I could pull my share of the money out of the account.) And then, FL called to shoot the breeze. Here was another call that I had to put off until after the board meeting. Finally, TCL called again, and I said that I'd call her back after the board meeting ended.

You'll note that I haven't said anything about the board meeting.  Well, most of what goes on in these meetings are not for public consumption. We have a lot of work ahead of us for the next few weeks, and I figure that we will likely have a few vendor selection meetings coming up in the near future.  My new job may get in the way of my participation, as I expect that I'll be getting out of work at 5:00, and I won't have time to do anything until 6:00.  And then, I figure that I'll have to turn my video off, as I'll still be in my feminine presentation when I get home.

Eventually the meeting ended, with all attendees feeling exhausted.  I returned my brother's call, then texted FL, and finally got the chance to chat with TCL for a while. At least, I was finally able to schedule dinner with Maria for later this week....

I don't know what to make of this

  I don't know what to make of this.  When I first saw the video on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, I thought it was one of Kimmel's jokes.  ...