Happy New Year!!!!
(My regular posts will resume tomorrow.)
My journey towards femininity, with all the bumps in the road. Who knows where this road will lead? But it certainly will be a prettier road, and one well worth traveling.
We had no plans for the day, and given the outside temperature, it didn't make sense to go outside. Instead, RQS straightened out my kitchen while I emptied out a chest of drawers, so that I could buy a more functional chest from Ikea next weekend. I could then move stuff from the chest that currently holds part of my female wardrobe to a chest whose drawers open and close without difficulty. (Would it make sense for me to repair the old chest? Yes. But I don't have the woodworking tools to take care of this simple task.)
Once our tasks were done, it was time to relax. And we did so for the rest of the day. We thought about booking another cruise from a last minute booking list. But we held off. I wasn't sure if RQS could afford another trip, and I didn't want to encourage her to take any trips she couldn't afford.
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Luckily, I had more than enough in the house to make a decent dinner. However, I know that my GP will read the riot act to me when I see him this coming week. I shudder to get on the scale, as I don't want to know how much I weigh. Yet, I need to ask the doctor a couple of questions, and this will be my one opportunity to do so.
As I am one of two people who have signatory powers for the co-op, I was expected to meet the board's president at the bank for whatever tasks were needed as we transfer our operating account from one bank to another, one management company to another. Since I am only known to the bank as Mario, this determined how I'd dress for the rest of the day. (The cold weather outside reinforced the decision to dress in Mario mode today as well.)
Around 11 am, I arrived at the bank, and found that our president had mostly completed work at the bank. All that was left for me was to email a copy of a form to the new managing agent, and to collect reimbursement money for renewing our Zoom account. And then, we were done. Now, it was time to rest until I had to pick RQS up at the train station.
At 3:45 pm, I picked RQS up at the station, and then we took a drive to Yorktown and Uncle Giuseppe's. (Uncle Giuseppe's is an Italian Specialty supermarket with locations in the NYC suburbs.) Unlike Trader Joe's, where I have a hard time breaking $50 in a typical visit, I broke $100 at Uncle Giuseppe's on this visit. And this visit only resulted in less than 2 supping bags worth of food. At least, we got our meal for the night - Zuppa de Pesce. Our next stop was at the Foodtown, where I only wanted to pick up some fresh pasta that I forgot at our prior stop. And that's where RQS accidentally flushed ker keys down the toilet. Now, that forced us to get some keys cut sometime this weekend.
We finally got home and relaxed before I started to prepare dinner - and it was tasty. Both RQS and I enjoyed our meal and the dessert we had afterwards. But now, we had another thing to take care of this weekend....
OK, I know I have to go on a diet other than "See Food". But when it's a once-a-year dinner at a good restaurant and service is slow, it's hard for me NOT to chow down from the bread basket.
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I didn't want to get up today. It was raining outside, and they predicted more extreme weather by dinnertime. For the most part, I stayed in my jammies and watched videos most of the day. That is until I found a 7-8 year old computer that was once my dad's machine until he passed away. Although the computer runs Windows 10, it can't be upgraded to Windows 11 because it doesn't have a TPM module. (Even more important, the machine still uses rotating disk memory and is way too slow compared to modern machines.) So, I have two Windows 10 machines that can't be upgraded, and I don't know what to do with them.
Next, I had to get showered and dressed. Although I really want to go out as Marian, I'm not going to out myself to people I'm not sure would respect me after the outing. (There are still some advantages to presenting as a male, and I have to take advantage of them while on the co-op board.) Just before I was to pick up my fellow board members, I decided to finally subscribe to a new anti virus platform. This was easier than I thought it would be. But it will be way too expensive to stay on this platform after this subscription period ends.
Once done with installing the new software, it was off to pick up my fellow co-op board members, and then to the restaurant. At the restaurant, we met the new site manager, our accountant and our lawyer. As much as we discussed formal business with our experts, we also participated in normal social chit chat. Service was slow, and I ate too much - simply because the bread basket was right in front of me. And then the food came! In this episode of "(Wo)man vs. Food", Food won this round. I ended up bringing the seafood home, only to trash it in the dumpster. After 2-3 hours, I wasn't going to trust the safety of a seafood dish, and I wasn't going to reheat it for tomorrow's meal. So the only thing I figured I should do is toss the leftovers because it was the safest thing to do.
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Tomorrow will be another day. And I am scheduled to go to another meetup. Like the last one, I'm not certain about going. I'll make a decision about it tomorrow morning....
It was raining on and off today, and I had to be home in the evening for a co-op board meeting. We had a lot to discuss today, and the (to be) former site manager didn't show up, as he had an excuse (as usual) that prevented him from attending our meeting.
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If it had been better weather, I'd have liked to go out as Marian and do some shopping. However, this was not a day to go outside and brave the elements - I wasn't in the mood to get showered and dressed, much less turn myself into Marian and return to Mario mode for the evening. So, I relaxed in bed most of the day, and decided to get ready for the co-op meeting at 6 pm.
6 pm came, and I started the zoom meeting. Eventually, all of the board members arrived, and we got some more disturbing news about events that took place since our last monthly meeting. Suffice it to say, that none of us were happy. One board member keeps acting as if our president can do more than she's already doing, and this pisses off both the president and myself. This person is as useless as tits on a bull. And we're both tired of her.
Soon enough, the meeting ended - and I am ending up driving 2 people to dinner tomorrow. Too bad that I have to be in Mario mode for this dinner. But, I am looking forward to Thursday when I can again present as Marian again.
By the time you read this, Christmas will have passed. I can't wait for the holiday season to end, as it will allow me to get back to my regularly scheduled activities - such as watching movies NOT related to the holiday.
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I'm writing this post a little over 2 weeks before Christmas. And a lot will happen between now and then. For example, I will be seeing my doctor for the first time in a few months, and he will likely read me the riot act for not losing weight. I'll wear my hair suit, and note that the Zepbound he prescribed is not covered by my drug formulary. (I'll have to check this out in 2025, as I want to finally do what I've should have been doing all along - live a more healthy life, and lose weight as a byproduct of my actions. I may need to have a different GLP-1 Agonist drug prescribed for me, so that it is covered by Medicare.) I'll also be seeing my sleep doctor for the last time before he retires, and get a referral to a new sleep doctor. (I'll also ask him for a copy of my script, so that I can buy a travel CPAP unit.)
Not all of the things that will be going on in my life will be health related. For example, RQS and I will be attending a choral performance where one of the singers has been a member of the Yonkers gaming group I belong to. A week later, we will be seeing Darlene Love in concert again. She doesn't yet know that I also plan to buy her tickets to a Broadway show that will be performed on the same day that her Boston friend wants her there for a baby shower. RQS will be very happy that I've made it possible for her to decline the invite, saying that I surprised her with show tickets.
There will be some serious things that must be taken care of. My co-op is switching to a new management firm, and we have to make sure that we do our part in this transition. For example, I've already had to sign paperwork to give me signing authority for the co-op, and access to the bank accounts being opened up for us. We'll soon have our yearly holiday dinner, and that will give us the chance to get to know our new site manager in an informal setting. Hopefully, they will do a much better job for us than the old firm has done.
Of course, I'll be catching up on my social engagements, such as seeing my friend from the census, as well as attending a meetup or two that will take place before the holiday. I expect that I'll be quite busy through year end. Hopefully, I'll be spending most of my time as Marian, and not as Mario. Christmas Eve dinner will be spent as Marian, and I'm hoping we get an invite, so that New Year's Eve can be spent this way as well. Keep your fingers crossed....
It's been years since I belonged to this meetup group. The woman who sponsored it had gotten divorced, closed her restaurant, and mov...